An In-Depth Look at Consumer Expectations
Discover national report findings including:
Results of the full study – how the pandemic has changed where people live and work, when people use their vehicles, how people maintain or service their vehicles, and buying behaviors for vehicles, services and parts
Review of market segments that were developed to understand how consumers feel about maintaining or servicing their vehicles
A “so what/what next” presentation of how your organization can leverage this data to understand impacts on specific product categories and markets — now and in the future
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In the Media
Featured by the Auto Care Association:
Navigate the Economic Snow Globe with Weekly Vehicle Miles Traveled Data
"Consumers appear to be chomping at the bit to travel in the post-pandemic world. Based on a recent survey of U.S. consumers, Martec found that on average, U.S. adults expect to drive 17% more post-pandemic overall - a little more for households (21%) than for business purposes (11%). Perhaps you feel the same way. 'After this is all over, I'm going to take my family for a vacation' ... 'When it's safe again, I'll hit the road to visit my clients and prospects'."
The BRAKE Report:
Aftermarket Healthy in Wake of Pandemic
"We saw this [the DIY] segment spike up as they became more comfortable with more complicated repairs. One of the things many of these people discovered was how to change brake pads. We expect this to soften over time, but not to pre-pandemic levels.
"Along with the increase in DYI came a boost to online parts purchasing. Online retailers have been a big beneficiary of the pandemic."
Adapting to the DIY Spike
"... the spike extended beyond basic maintenance -- we're not just talking about replacing batteries. A lot of people got to work learning to do repairs under the hood and under the car itself with an 8% increase in DIY work on engines and transmissions and the same bump in DIY work under the car."
MOTOR Magazine:
Meeting Car Care Needs Starts with Meeting Your Customers' Emotional Needs First
"One of the fascinating aspects of the study is how it measures motorists' emotional intelligence and how emotions can lend critical insights into how they view and approach car care. ... Understanding that you're addressing emotional needs more than ever after the extreme nature of a pandemic may better equip your shop to guide your customers in making informed choices."
How Pandemic Has Impacted Automotive Aftermarket
"According to a survey by The Martec Group, the do-it-yourself market segment is expected to experience growth post-pandemic as consumers feel more confident working on their vehicles."